Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I'm getting ready to post some new stuff, but in the meantime here is something old that hasn't been online in a while:

It is a painting of Ernest rupturing forth from the womb of the universe. It's very thick and texture-y, and after wrestling with some bad scans (too dark, too bright, too flat, etc.), I decided no image of it on the internet was better than a cruddy & misleading image of it. But in the last couple months I've been going through all my boxes of old sketches and material for a secret project and found this slide, which isn't perfect but gets the job done.

I kinda wish I'd saved the concept for a subject more (visually) interesting than Ernest. But this was like 2002, and I was still thinking mostly along the lines of forgotten '70s & '80s culture. You know, before Hot Topic made it impossible to forget anything.


Adiro said...

It's the Uterverse!

Anonymous said...

You can STILL revisit the concept. Just because an earlier version of you did it, and didn't realize its full potential shouldn't stop you. Artist have done that forever. I say give it a shot!

bbird said...

Oh, I completely agree--but lately I've been giving too much of my time to revisiting old concepts vs. moving forward with new ones. And a lot of why I like the painting has to do with the "immediacy" of that egg shape, something that was very much in the moment and probably couldn't be duplicated. If I still had the thing I'd just paint out Ernest and add someone else.